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北京万里祥石油科技有限公司 [百度一下]
公司地址:北京市 北京市海淀区农大南路1号硅谷亮城2A座505室
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
北京万里翔石油技术有限公司是在北京市海淀区科技园注册的高新技术企业。公司主营业务范围为面向国内外石油公司的技术服务及工程服务,包括工程承包、工程监理、工程设计、技术咨询、方法研究及技术攻关,为中国石油的海外项目提供各类短缺人才,包括石油钻井、地质、采油及炼化等专业的监督、工程师、熟练工及其他人才。员工90%具有本科以上文化水平。万里翔的员工具有丰富的国内及世界各地工作经验,工作足迹遍布非洲、美洲、中东、及亚洲。Wanlixiang Petro-tech Services Ltd (WLX for short) is a service company in oil and gas exploration and development industry worldwide. WLX is a high-tech company registered in the Zhongguncun science park in Beijing. Our business scope is providing technical and engineering service for oil companies worldwide.The main business of WLX includes:&amp#8226;; Seismic project planning, supervision and consultancy&amp#8226;; Project management and supervision of oil well drilling, geology log, oil extraction and oil field development. In recent years, WLX has provided quality services for above 20 oil companies at home and abroad, such as in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Libya, Algeria, Mauritania, Iran, Saudi Arabic. WLX strictly follows the international guidelines for Health, Safety and Environmental Protection set forth by the International Association of Oil services contractors and the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers. WLX is committed to:&amp#8226;; Providing quality services to clients at all times and in all places&amp#8226;; Following industrial standards in operations&amp#8226;; Meeting all requirements set by clients and helping them succeed by all means possible&amp#8226;; Abiding by local laws and regulations&amp#8226;; Respecting local people, religions and customs&amp#8226;; Minimizing the impact on environment&amp#8226;; Ensuring health and safety of its employees, contractors and people affected or associated with its operations&amp#8226;; Doing whatever others are unable to do and doing well whatever others may fail to do


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